Literacy Narrative Drafts

This page would offer the reader access to at least some of your Literacy Narrative draft material. As with most of the ePortfolio, there are options in presentation of the first and final draft of your Literacy Narrative.

  • Two pages (LN First Draft and LN Final Draft) instead of a single page called “Literacy Narrative Drafts.” In this approach, you create two web pages and offer a couple sentences to contextualize/introduce the draft(s).
  • Single LN Drafts page, with an excerpt and some mechanism for a reader to access the drafts (see “visibility” options two and three below)

The visibility of your actual drafts is something you decide on.

  1. You might simply paste the drafts into two separate pages and address any formatting issues needed to clean up the appearance on a web page: double-spacing, block quotes, etc.
  2. You might download your GDoc versions as PDFs, upload those documents to your ePortfolio, and make hyperlinks to the files. If you do this, you probably want to excerpt the narrative for a reader to present a snippet or offer some information.
  3. You might offer a brief excerpt or snippet and include a hyperlink to your actual Google Doc.  A reader would need access to your Google Doc to actually read your LN drafts, which gives you control over who does and does not have access.