This is what a sample blog post looks like on our demo ePortfolio. The blog is a great vehicle for documenting in-process work, reporting on cool experiences, or simply sharing with others who might be interested in you.
Some instructors will probably require you to do some coursework as blog posts, and this is the place to put that work. We recommend that you use TAGS to help organize that work. You might create a tag for each course, so work relevant to different courses can be searched and presented together. You can give a post multiple tags, so don’t limit yourself to just one!
Our Demo ePortfolio follows WordPress’s default approach of making the “blog” into the homepage for the ePortfolio. If you’re interested in making your home page into a kind of “introduction” to your ePortfolio, you might want to change the default and make a “static page” your home page. It’s pretty easy to do, and we have a tutorial on custom menus and a static homepage.